Heating Services
As a company, Moore’s Fuels can provide an additional range of services. If we cannot provide directly then we will recommend a reliable person or company as an alternative.
- Uplift service (uplifting of oil and redelivery to another premises)
- Boiler servicing
- Tank replacement
- Top-up service (no more running-out of oil by arranging delivery on a regular basis)
- Water testing service (test your oil storage tank for water presence)
Moore’s Fuels provides alternative ways to budget for heating bills:
Paypoint Cards
Pay what you want when you want at any outlet displaying PP. Moores Fuels PP Cards allow the customer to pay in advance for fuel.
Note: Not available with online orders.
Direct Debits
Set up a Direct Debit to cover the cost of fuel per year. Payment can be taken weekly, monthly or in full. Download our Direct Debit Mandate Form (Word Doc).
Note: Not available with online orders.
Debit/Credit Cards
Phone or call at office to pay by card. We can accept payment in full for fuel delivered or payment in advance as a way of saving for fuel.
As we now offer Online Ordering, you can check prices, order and pay online at any time of the day or night.